Title: The Silence of the Sea | 海の沈黙 (Umi no Chinmoku)

Artist: Sai Yoshiko | 佐井好子

Album: Taiji no Yume (1977) | 胎児の夢 [LX-7021-A, PCD-20018]

(Original lyrics by Sai Yoshiko)

Japanese Romaji English
壊れた船に 紅孔雀
七つの海を 積み込んだ
独りぼっちの 旅立ちわ
それでも血染めの 花模様
Kowareta fune ni beni kujaku
Nanatsu no umi wo tsumikonda
Hitori bocchi no tabidachi wa
Sore de mo chizome no hana moyou
A red peafowl on a broken vessel
Loaded up with the seven seas
Ready to depart in a journey of loneliness
And yet it still is like a bloodstained floral pattern
昨日夢見た お魚の
赤いお腹に 火をつけて
あたしを生んだ この夜の
静寂の海へ 船出する
Kinou yume mita, osakana no
Akai onaka ni hi wo tsukete
Atashi wo unda kono yoru no
Shijima no umi he funadesuru
I had a dream yesterday
Where I set the red belly of a fish aflame
Then this vessel set sail into the stillness of the night
Of this sea that bore me
あなたを殺めた この指を
銀の鎖で 縛める
薔薇のかをりに 酔ひしれて
時の流れを 遡る
Anata wo ayameta kono yubi wo
Gin no kusari de, imashimeru
Bara no kaori ni yoishirete
Toki no nagare wo sakanoboru
These fingers that have murdered you
Are now fastened tight in silver chains
Entranced by the fragrance of roses
Moving backward through the flow of time