Title: The Sprite of the Night | 夜の精 (Yoru no Sei)

Artist: Sai Yoshiko | 佐井良子

Album: Mangekyou (1975) | 萬花鏡 [BAL-1003, PCD-20016]

(lyrics by Sai Yoshiko)

Japanese Romaji English
夜の雨ふりやんだ 濡れてる街の
やねやねに 月の光が 凍りつく
Yoru no ame furi yanda nureteru machi no
Yaneyane ni tsuki no hikari ga kooritsuku
The night rain has stopped
And the moon light freezes on the roofs of the damp town
私はひとりで 意味のないことばを
思いうかべては つらつらと 流れゆく
Watashi wa hitori de imi no nai kotoba wo
Omoi ukabete wa tsuratsura to nagareyuku
Alone, I keep thinking deeply about words without meaning
Coming to me one after another
風のない街角に たたずむあの娘は
月の影をあびて 青ざめた夜の精
Kaze no nai machikado ni tatazumu ano ko wa
Tsuki no kage wo abite aozameta yoru no sei
The pale girl standing on the windless street corner
Is a sprite of the night, basking in the moonlight
不思議な国へと 変わりゆく
Kurutta machi mo yoru ni nareba
Fushigi na kuni he to kawari yuku
As the night descends, this mad town too
Slowly begins to transfrom into a mysterious land
青白い光に 鏡をのぞけば
暗やみににじんだ まぼろしが 浮かびでる
Aojiroi hikari ni kagami wo nozokeba
Kurayami ni nijinda maboroshi ga ukabi deru
If you gaze into the mirror in the bluish-white light,
You'll see the faint aparitions merged with the darkness emerge
夜の雨ふりやんだ 濡れてる街の
やねやねに 月の光が 凍りつく
Yoru no ame furi yanda nureteru machi no
Yane yane ni tsuki no hikari ga kooritsuku
The night rain has stopped
And the moon light freezes on the roofs of the damp town
不思議な国へと 変わりゆく
Kurutta machi mo yoru ni nareba
Fushigi na kuni he to kawari yuku
As the night descends, this mad town too
Slowly begins to transfrom into a mysterious land