Almost all the songs translated in this page either have no transcription of the lyrics available on the internet, or have never been translated before (or at least, up until the moment I uploaded them here). I mostly like to translate songs that have interesting writing quirks, or have an emotional impact on me.
Please do note all these translations are not official. They're merely my own transcriptions and translations; as such, it is possible they contain errors. Keep this in mind when checking them.
Angel Note
Angel Note is a musical circle formed in 1995. It mainly focuses on producing music for PC games. Many of their songs have been used as OPs or EDs of eroge, such as:
- Akatsuki no Goei ~Principal-tachi no Kyuujitsu~
- Bra-Ban!
- Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo ~Sanshimai to no Dokidoki Kyoudou Seikatsu~
- Muv-Luv Alternative
- Rui wa Tomo o Yobu
- etc.
The group is conformed by a varied number of creative members and singers. Of the latter, the ones I like the most are: Nakayama Mami, kala and Ririka. Noriko Mitose has also collaborated with them.
Most of their pieces would fall under the category of anisong, although some of them deviate from this formula and go for more a more unique approach.
- Nakayama Mami - Love Story (EN) [Original]
- Okuyama Mayo - 見えない翼 — Mienai Tsubasa - Invisible Wings (EN) [OP - Katayoku no Tenshi]
- Nakayama Mami - 世界の果て — Sekai no Hate - Edge of the World (EN) [ED - Revenir]
2004 - Love Story [AKCI-26009]
- kala - 壊れた月 — Kowareta Tsuki - The Broken Moon (EN) [OP - Kaketa Tsuki wa Modoranai]
- Nakayama Mami - 咲く未来 — Saku Mirai - Blooming Future (EN) [OP - Kokyou no Uta]
- Nakayama Mami - My Dear (EN) [ED - Bra-ban!]
2007 - BELLESDIVAS -Angel Note Best Collection Volume III- [LHCA-5065]
Energy Field
Kala also worked with another circle, Energyfield. She sung a couple of songs for the eroge Sekai no Subete (by tamasoft):
2002 - Sekai no Subete (tamasoft)
I've Sound / I'VE (Stylized IVE, AIBU)
IVE originated as a techno/trance production group in the late 90's, creating musical pieces for adult games. Their earliest renowed work was the PC game Kanon, which launched them into producing music for anime and other otaku-oriented media.
Many talented musicians and singers have worked with them along the years. Among them, two singers stood out: AKI, and KOTOKO. Due to differences with IVE, AKI stopped working with them in 2001, and KOTOKO filled her spot. For this reason, she became more well known between the newer generations of otaku. I think this is really a shame, because AKI had a beautiful voice, and I feel not a lot of people appreciate her work under IVE.
- AKI - Sweet ~恋しくて~ — Sweet ~Koishikute~ - Sweet ~I miss you~ (EN) [ED of Sweet Palace]
1999 - I've GIRLS COMPILATION: regret [ICD-66001]
- AKI - Color of Happiness (EN) [OP of Luna Season ~150 Bun no 1 no Koibito~]
- MELL - さよならを教えて ~Comment Te Dire Adieu~ (EN) [ED of Sayonara wo Oshiete ~Comment Te Dire Adieu~]
2005 - I've Girls Compilation Vol. 5 OUT FLOW [ICD-66008] & さよならを教えて comment te dire adieu : BANDE ORIGINALE (2016) [CRWO-0001]
Diāo yè zōng | 凋叶棕
Diao Ye Zong is a doujin circle that mainly focuses on touhou music, although they occassionally release original work.
Considering this is one of the most popular circles, and that there are plenty of people already translating touhou music into english, I prefer to translate these into spanish.
- Kushi, Merami Pop - 呪いのエメラルド — Noroi no Emerarudo - El Esmeralda Maldito (ES)
2014 - Nozomi [Reitaisai 11] | 望 [例大祭11]
Ishikawa Takayuki, also known as DJ TAKA, is a composer affiliated with Konami's beatnation Records, and most famous for his contributions to beatmania / IIDX.
- HAL - INORI - Prayer (EN) [IIDX RED]
2007 - milestone [LC-1556] (Available at archive.org)
Yamaoka Akira
I don't think this artist needs much of an introduction.
Although best known for his work in the Silent Hill series, Yamaoka Akira has also produced music for many other games, and even dabbled into beatmania.
- Shintani Sanae - Injection of Love (EN) [IIDX RED]
2006 - iFUTURELIST [LC-1406]
Komiya Mao | 小宮真央
Komiya Mao is a japanese voice actress and vocalist who has contributed with her voice to more than one track in the BMS community.
- 彩音 - 夜桜 — Yozakura - Night Sakura (EN) [BMS]
- yassu_bh - Midnight Driving (EN) [BMS]
- SHIKI - CROSS (EN) (Cristears) [CRTS-0001]
Rita | 理多(園田まひる)
Sonoda Mahiro, also known as Rita, is a japanese voice actress and singer who mostly works on eroge. She is best known for her work on Little Busters, but personally I always believed her best work was the fandisc for the eroge Kimi ga Nozomu Eien.
2001 - Eternal Promise [Kimi ga Nozomu Eien Image Vocal Maxi Single] [TURC-0002A]
2003 - Wind -a breath of heart-~Songs2~ [TRCD-10028]
SUILEN | 睡蓮 (Suiren)
SUILEN is one of those bands you hear once and you cannot forget. Their music ranges from mainly electronic and industrial, to melodical, if slightly dark, gothic-like melodies.
2007 - Ne wo Haramu | 音ヲ孕ム [NFCD-27062]]
Sai Yoshiko | 佐井良子
Sai Yoshiko is a japanese musician who was most active during the early enka and folk rock transition in the 70's. Although she was well known and beloved in the acid rock scene, she eventually quit singing, believing she was not good enough for it. She later made a comeback in 2008, and has gained some of recognition since then.
She has a very unique writing style, focusing in rich, surreal imagery, usually with dark undertones. She often makes use of common visual symbolism and analogies to build a more introspective narrative in her pieces. The themes she deals with usually have to do with loneliness, altered mind states, madness, the sea, or even songs focusing on more femenine themes.
Her voice is very melodious, going from a deep but solid voice, to mellow whispers, depending on the style of the song.
1975 - Mangekyou | 萬花鏡 [BAL-1003, PCD-20016]
1976 - Mikkou (1976) | 密航 [LP BAL-1018, PLP-7124]
1977 - Taiji no Yume | 胎児の夢 [LX-7021-A, PCD-20018]
Tama | たま
Tama was a japanese folk rock band that was active from 1984 up until 2003. Although they gained certain recogniton (and are beloved by those in the known), they remain relatively obscure in the west.